Professional Standards Program (PSP)
LPSAOP members are encouraged to achieve recognition through the PSP. This is a certification program for Educational Office Professionals employed with Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln Nebraska.
Through the PSP, members who have attained accomplishments based on education, experience, staff development and professional activity are recognized. The PSP is established by LPSAOP’s parent organization, the National Association of Educational Office Professionals, (NAEOP).
The PSP is a multi-level certification program based on education, experience, and professional activity. After completing necessary milestones and approval of the PSP application qualifies the member for one or more of the following certificates:
Associate Professional
Associate Degree
Advanced I
Advanced II
Advanced III (CEOE – Certified Educated Office Employee)
Associate Degree
Bachelor Degree
Master Degree
Doctoral Degree
The Lincoln Public Schools Board of Education agrees to provide an hourly stipend to Office Professionals that obtain their PSP certification from NAEOP.
Basic – $.58
Associate Professional – $.62
Associate Degree – $.64
Advanced I – $.66
Advanced II – $.70
Advanced III – $.74
Bachelor’s Degree – $.78
Master’s Degree – $.82
In order to apply for your PSP or to upgrade a current certificate, an applicant must be a member of LPSAOP. Membership must be continuous while pursuing a PSP certificate. To achieve stipend recognition through LPSAOP, the applicant must be a member at the local, state, and national level and must meet NAEOP PSP criteria.
The PSP Committee holds workshops for anyone interested in learning more about the Professional Standars Program. Everyone is welcome to attend the workshops. The committee will assist with applications and recertifications. Please feel free to also check out the NAEOP website for the Professional Standards Program.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the LPSAOP PSP Director:

Brenda Spieker, CEOE