Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals

LPSAOP “Educational Office Professional of the Year” Award

The annual LPSAOP Office Professional of the Year Award has been created to recognize a Lincoln Public Schools Office Professional (LPSAOP) member who has demonstrated outstanding performance while employed with LPS. This person will be one that is actively involved in the LPSAOP association and has made significant contributions in their educational position(s) with LPS.





  1. A candidate may be nominated by a co-worker, supervisor or any individual that may have worked with this person through office professional associations (i.e. state and national).
  2. Google Form of recommendation and support of this candidate must be submitted by Friday, April 4th, 2025.
  3. Nominators will be notified by email after the judges make their final decision. The announcement of the winning candidate will be kept confidential until the night of the Recognition and Installation Banquet.
  4. An inscribed plaque will be presented to the winning candidate at the annual LPSAOP Recognition and Installation Banquet.


If you have any questions contact



LPSAOP “Educational Office Professional of the Year” Application 


List of LPSAOP Previous winners and people who are ineligible for nominations for the LPSAOP Office Professional of the Year award


  • Peggy Clagett
  • Rhonda Meyer
  • Kris Wallace
  • Becky Rock, CEOE
  • Mackenzie Hahn, CEOE
  • Lori Matthiesson
  • Gina Cookus
  • Dena Hare
  • Carol Reed, CEOE
  • Jane Moorhouse
  • Susan Bell
  • Candy Johnson
  • Amy Chandler

2024 LPSAOP "Office Professional of the Year" Award Recipient​

Peggy Clagett - 2024 LPSAOP "Office Professional of the Year" Award Recipient
Peggy Clagett

Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Funding 2025

$0 $1500

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Contact Us

Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals
5905 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68510

Brenda Spieker
(402) 436-1217

Jessica Mlady

(402) 436-1725