Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals (LPSAOP) awards the Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship each year to a Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) graduate who will attend a Nebraska University/College. Each Spring a committee reviews the applications received and selects a recipient for this award. The scholarship is formally awarded at the LPSAOP Recognition and Installation Banquet in May. This annual scholarship is financed through LPSAOP fundraisers held throughout the year.
Dianne Grieser was President of LPSAOP in the early 1990s. She was a strong supporter and promoter of the LPSAOP organization and the Office Professionals in our school district. She was an awesome individual, extremely professional, and a terrific secretary. After receiving a cancer diagnosis in the mid-1990s, she passed away in 1998. As an association, we honor Dianne Grieser for what she did for LPSAOP as a member and an officer and what she stood for as an office professional and as an individual.
2024-2025 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Application
2024 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winners

2023 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winners

2022 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winner

2021 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winner

2020 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winner

2019 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winner
Annie Bui
2018 Dianne Grieser Memorial Scholarship Winner

If you would like more information about LPSAOP Scholarships, contact the LPSAOP Scholarship Director:

Mellissa Bailey